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2022 Best Golf Rangefinder Buyer’s Guide

Did you know the global golf rangefinder market is estimated to reach US$186.5 million by 2025, according to Grand View Research?

Are you part of that statistic? Or are you a GPS kind of golfer? Or are you an old-school golfer who eyeballs your yardage?

Whichever you are, you should keep reading to discover our top picks for 2022’s best golf rangefinders.

Winner: Bushnell Pro XE

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Those who want the best golf rangefinder need the Bushnell Pro XE. It has performed well across all metrics since launching in 2019. Its accuracy is spot-on and provides a pulse/vibration when you hit your target, giving you extra confidence by reinforcing that you hit the correct yardage. The Pro XE takes into account temperature, barometric pressure and distance to provide an accurate “play-like” yardage.

It has a strong magnet built into the unit making it easy to attach to your cart. Throw in a two-year warranty and you have the winner of the 2022 Most Wanted Golf Rangefinder Test.

1st in accuracy 2nd in speed 2nd in optics 5th in display 3rd in features
BEST FOR SHAKY HANDS - Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized

BEST FOR SHAKY HANDS - Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized

The Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized have integrated their anti shake technology in their cameras and incorporated it in this rangefinder. It also has clear optics and easy to read yardage call outs.

Features That Matter


A laser rangefinder is useless if it’s not accurate. By and large, the rangefinders we tested read within five yards of each other. Lasers that consistently give the same number every time provide much-needed confidence that the reading can be trusted. We test each laser rigorously to verify that the numbers provided are both accurate and consistent.

All Bushnell rangefinders performed well in this category. In 2022, the Pro XE, Tour V5 Shift and the Tour V5 were at the top of the accuracy list. The Cobalt Q_6 Slope and the Garmin Approach Z82 also performed well in this category.

Optics and Display

When we talk about the optics of laser rangefinders, we’re focused on the clarity of the viewfinder and the digital display. The simpler the display, the easier it is to understand—for the most part. Some rangefinders spell out the actual yardage and adjusted slope yardage to ensure there’s no confusion. Most units include a diopter adjustment to improve focus.

The best laser rangefinder optics in the 2022 test belong to the Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized. The clarity of the lens allows you to easily lock on a target and get an accurate yardage. All Bushnell models performed well in this category also.

If you prefer to have the most amount of information available on a single display, the Precision Pro R1 Smart has GPS numbers on the display along with an app to tell you what club you should hit based on your club numbers. The Garmin Approach Z82 employs a GPS-generated hole flyover visual, yardage to front, middle and back pin positions, distances to all hazards and slope. The all-new Shot Scope Pro LX+ has a separate GPS unit attached to identify front, middle and back as well as all hazards.

Locking indicator

There different ways laser rangefinders use to lock on to a target. Some work better than others. Jolt technology, pulse and visual indicators are all examples of alerts that serve as notification that you’ve found your intended target. It’s personal preference but, in our experience, a combination of these alerts, as well as a distinct yardage read-out, tend to be the best.

The Bushnell Pro XE gives you a flashing red visual indicator in addition to a jolt technology alert.

BEST TECH - Precision Pro R1 Smart

BEST TECH - Precision Pro R1 Smart

The Precision Pro R1 Smart has everything you need for your golf game. It comes with GPS readouts, wind direction, slope to name a few. It also has MySlope which takes temperature, wind, slope and barometric pressure into account and spits out a club based on your own personal club data.



If you play on a course with considerable elevation changes, a rangefinder that calculates slope will give you the most accurate yardage readout. It takes the elevation changes into consideration and generates both the actual yardage as well as adjusted yardage.


 ProductMagnificationRangeLock IndicatorSlopeWarranty
Blue Tees Golf 3 Max

Check Price
6X5-900PulseYes2 Year
One of the best golf rangefinders, the Bushnell ProBushnell Pro XE

Check Price
7X5-1300JoltYes2 Year
One of the best golf rangefinders, the Bushnell Tour V5Bushnell Tour V5

Check Price
6X5-1300JoltNo2 Year
Bushnell Tour V5 Shift Patriot Pack

Check Price
6X5-1300JoltYes2 Year
Caddytek CaddyView V2

Check Price
6X5-800VibrationYes1 Year
Callaway 350TL

Check Price
6X5-1000PulseYes1 Year

Check Price
7X5to 2500SurgeYesLifetime
Eagle Eye

Check Price
6X5-800VibrationYes1 Year
Eagle Eye Elite

Check Price
6X5-1000VibrationYes1 Year
One of the best golf rangefinders, the Garmin Z8Garmin Approach Z82

Check Price
6X5-450Laser Range ArcYes1 Year
Inesis 900

Check Price
6X5-1300Black CircleYes2 Year
Leupold GX-5i

Check Price
6X5-450Red TriangleYesLifetime
Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized

Check Price
Oncore Rangefinder

Check Price
7X5-650PulseYes1 Year
Precision Pro NX7 Pro Slope

Check Price
6X5-400PulseYES1 Year
Precision Pro R1 Smart

Check Price
6X5-400PulseYes2 Year
Shot Scope Pro LX

Check Price
7X5-900VibrationYes2 Year
Shot Scope Pro LX+

Check Price
7X5-900VibrationYes2 Year
Tour Trek Signal Slope

Check Price
Voice Caddie CL2

Check Price
6X5-700GREEN CIRCLEYes1 Year
Voice Caddie L5

Check Price
6x5-1200VIBRATIONYES1 Year
Voice Caddie SL2

Check Price
6x5-1100VIBRATIONYES1 Year
Zoom Focus X

Check Price
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More Tips

You don’t need both a GPS and a laser rangefinder. The Garmin Approach Z82 and Precision Pro R1 Smart combine both technologies into one device. We’ve found that ease of use in laser rangefinders has to do with the individual golfer, or user, error. For example, it’s easier to stabilize a larger device than a smaller one if you have large hands. We’re advocates of trying before buying to see what fits you. Many rangefinders have additional features that make life easier. Magnetic mounts, sensors that integrate weather conditions into yardage numbers, vibration reduction, integrated GPS functionality … the list is long. Before buying, decide what features you have to have and those you can do without. Golfers with shaky hands will benefit from the Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized. Integrated Vibration Reduction technology helps you lock onto targets quickly and efficiently. Many golfers will find it’s the one feature they absolutely can’t do without. Some laser rangefinders use standard disposable batteries while others use charging ports and store power, much like a cell phone. Again, it’s personal preference. Battery life varies widely between each model. If you prefer models that use disposable batteries, Precision Pro will provide you with an unlimited supply of free replacement batteries for life. .truegolffit-banner-inner-right { padding-top: calc(574/1020 * (100% - 430px)); } @media screen and (max-width: 991px) { .truegolffit-banner-inner-right { padding-top: calc(574/1020 * 100%); width: 100%; } }


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How We Test

We're here to help you find the perfect golf rangefinder to fit your needs.

To do that, we employ a thorough and fully independent testing process that leaves no feature unexplored, no display unchecked, and no stone unturned.

Our Metrics

Rangefinders are tested head to head with rigorous protocols.

The metrics we consider when rating rangefinders include Accuracy, Speed, Optics, Display, and Additional Features.

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One of the best golf rangefinders, the Bushnell ProBushnell Pro XE

Check Price
Nikon CoolShot Pro II Stabilized

Check Price
Precision Pro R1 Smart

Check Price
Voice Caddie CL2

Check Price
Bushnell Tour V5 Shift Patriot Pack

Check Price
Voice Caddie SL2

Check Price
One of the best golf rangefinders, the Garmin Z8Garmin Approach Z82

Check Price
One of the best golf rangefinders, the Bushnell Tour V5Bushnell Tour V5

Check Price

Check Price
Precision Pro NX7 Pro Slope

Check Price
Eagle Eye Elite

Check Price
Shot Scope Pro LX+

Check Price
Tour Trek Signal Slope

Check Price
Blue Tees Golf 3 Max

Check Price
Shot Scope Pro LX

Check Price
Inesis 900

Check Price
Oncore Rangefinder

Check Price
Caddytek CaddyView V2

Check Price
Eagle Eye

Check Price
Voice Caddie L5

Check Price
Callaway 350TL

Check Price
Leupold GX-5i

Check Price
Zoom Focus X

Check Price
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The Best Golf Rangefinder of 2022 – FAQ

Q: Are more expensive rangefinders better?

A: Not for everyone. Keep in mind that a good bit of the cost associated with the most premium units is a result of features that not every golfer needs or even wants. If you’re looking for every bell and whistle the market has to offer, expect to pay more. That being said, there are several lower-cost units that, while not feature-rich, cover the basics every bit as well as the more expensive units. Brands like Inesis and Precision Pro offer excellent products that won’t break the bank.

Q: Do I need a laser with slope functionality?

A: It really comes down to use. For serious golfers, slope technology can help you make smarter decisions on the course. It can be an invaluable tool for tournament golfers looking to learn the nuances of a new course during practice rounds. Golfers who just want to know the yardage to the target and are happy to figure the rest out on their own should consider skipping the slope feature and saving some money.

Q: What is the difference between a golf and a hunting rangefinder?

A: A golf rangefinder uses nearest or first-target priority mode. This identifies the nearest object (usually a pin) by ignoring distant distractions such as trees, bunkers or water hazards. A hunting rangefinder uses distant-target priority mode.

Q: What’s the best rangefinder for a shaky hand?

A: If you struggle to hold a laser rangefinder steady, there’s really only one model to consider. The Nikon Coolshot Pro II Stabilized “freezes” the lens and allows you to lock on to the target. While the Nikon is on the upper end of the price range, it is well worth the money if you have shaky hands.

The post BEST GOLF RANGEFINDER 2022 appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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