By GolfLynk Publisher on Monday, 03 May 2021
Category: MyGolfSpy

Bettinardi and Big League Chew 2021

Bettinardi partners again with Big League Chew to release co-branded accessories and a limited-run putter. Only 12 of the Water Hazard Watermelon putters were produced. Available May 4 at 10 a.m. CST in The Hive at

In what now looks to be an ongoing partnership, Bettinardi is once again releasing a Big League Chew-branded limited-run putter and line of accessories. The timing is pretty good as the 2021 Major League Baseball season is just underway. Big and Little Leaguers both agree that nothing says baseball like a dangerously large wad of Big League Chew in your cheek as you play.

Top of the Second

As I mentioned, this is the second year of the Bettinardi/Big League Chew partnership. For those of you who missed the previous explanation as to how this came to be, here’s a recap.

Founder and inventor of Big League Chew, Rob Nelson, and Founder and President of Bettinardi Golf, Robert J. Bettinardi, teamed up for a limited-edition release combining their two iconic brands. Brought to life by the team at Bettinardi Golf, the co-branded headcovers and golf products bring together our passion for golf and our love for the game of baseball, all the while paying tribute to the only gum ever to be featured at the National Baseball Hall of Fame Museum as well as being part of our childhood memories at the ballpark. Produced in the U.S.A., just like Big League Chew gum, this headcover serves as an inspiration to play well and have fun on the golf course.

This release knocks nostalgia right out of the park. Many of us played baseball as kids with our cheeks chipmunked with Big League Chew. I’m kind of itching for a pouch and a red rope right now.

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Get Your Watermelon Here

Last year’s limited-run putter featured the consensus best gum flavor of grape. This year, Bettinardi and Big League Chew move to the second best flavor: watermelon. Keeping with the golf theme, the sports figure depicted on the putter and cover is none other than Walter Hagen Water Hazard. Obviously, it’s Mr. Hazard’s legendary love of watermelon that makes him the perfect choice for the theme. OK, so maybe his first name starting with a W has something to do with that, too.

Regardless, this is a true limited-run putter with only 12 produced. Graphics are on point with the theme, featuring pink and green melon inspired paint. Though I don’t have the exact price to share, I’d expect it to be in the $2,200 range like last year’s version. Yes, that putter did sell out almost immediately.

Sour Apples for the Rest of You

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Should you prefer sour-apple Big League Chew, Bettinardi has you covered. In addition to the watermelon putter, Tuesday’s release will also include headcovers, apparel and towels depicting the pitcher “Sour Apple Ace.” Both mallet and blade covers will be available. You can also bag a set of Water Hazard Watermelon woodcovers.

Squeeze Into the Hive Tuesday

Like Big League Chew, these Bettinardi products are pretty sweet. As with the flavor in your gum though, they won’t last very long. If you dig these and want to grab a headcover or a putter, step up to the plate promptly at 10 a.m. CST on Tuesday. Don’t sit back and wait for your pitch, though. These are gas and if you keep the bat on your shoulder, they will be past you before you know it.

Find out more and grab the gear at

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