By GolfLynk Publisher on Wednesday, 01 September 2021
Category: MyGolfSpy


ECCO GOLF has been making a lot of progress in Most Wanted shoe testing. The S Hybrid finished in the top 10 in the Spikeless test in 2021. Now they have come out with their newest shoe, the GOLF CORE.

The GOLF CORE comes in three color options with a style that fits the current trend in the Spikeless category. You guessed it, a sneaker-style.

ECCO has incorporated E-DTS TWIST and ECCO’s DYNAMIC TRACTION SYSTEM outsole which has traction bars that have been enlarged and rotated for durability and multi-directional traction. But what does that mean? Short answer is, it supposedly gives you better grip and stability throughout the shoe, keeping you more grounded. I will be checking these claims in next years 2022 Most Wanted Spikeless Shoe test to see if they do exactly what they say on the tin.

ECCO has also updated their current lines with new color options to keep things fresh.

Check out the NEW GOLF CORE and multiple color options in their existing line up today!



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The post NEW GOLF CORE SHOE BY ECCO GOLF appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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