By GolfLynk Publisher on Wednesday, 01 September 2021
Category: MyGolfSpy

Training Aid Survey

There are thousands, probably tens of thousands, of golf training aids on the market. That’s probably too many to count and definitely too many to list so as we seek to understand what can actually help golfers play better, we need to narrow the field a bit.

In the past, we’ve asked you to take a one-word survey. Today, we’re asking you to take a one-question survey.  Tell us what training aids you’re using.

That’s it. That’s the whole survey. You can list up to 10. To make it easier for us to process the data, please follow the provided link to answer the question.

At some point, we’ll dig deeper to better understand your experience with the most popular training aids on the market but, for now, we just want to know what you’re using.

Click Here to Take the Survey

Thanks in advance for helping us out.


The post Training Aid Survey appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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