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We Tried It: PuttOut Tour Studio and Travel Studio

We Tried It: PuttOut Tour Studio and Travel Studio

There is a lot of cool gear in the golf equipment world that doesn’t always fit neatly into Most Wanted Tests or Buyer’s Guides. You still want to know how it performs. In our We Tried It series, we put gear to the test and let you know if it works as advertised.

What We Tried

PuttOut Tour Studio and Travel Studio

Who Tried It

Phillip Bishop, MGS Most Wanted Testing facilitator

PuttOut Tour Studio and Travel Studio

Since 2016, PuttOut has been turning heads, raising eyebrows and encouraging golfers around the world. Most of our readers have most likely heard of the London-based company. However, if you’re a new reader, here’s a quick overview:

PuttOut’s main objective is to help golfers “practice more and putt less”. Without question, PuttOut’s Pressure Putt Trainer is one of their hottest products. I can attest to the addictive nature of it. You can spend minutes upon minutes attempting to have the ball come to rest in their micro-target. When you achieve the perfect putt, it is extremely gratifying. It’s just like when I’m drowning myself in a video game, striving to achieve a goal and finally hitting that goal. It’s a “high.” Caution: It can be addicting.

With growth comes opportunity. Today, PuttOut offers two intriguing compilations of their products: Tour Studio and Travel Studio.

PuttOut Tour Studio

Imagine this: an in-home putting facility. With the PuttOut Tour Studio, you get the luxury of a putter facility in your own home or your office.

The Tour Studio edition includes a plethora of accessories:

PuttOut Large Putting Mat: 12 feet by three feet with alignment graphics, 10-foot markings and five independent targets Premium Trainer: The crown jewel that can be used anywhere. Putting Mirror and Gate Set: The putting mirror is anti-scratch, compact and sturdy, as is the gate set. Putting Plane Alignment Stick Set: Capable of adjusting to your style of stroke and offers a bunch of alignment drills in combination with the Premium Trainer.


Bang for Your Buck

For less than $500, you can have an in-home putting facility. This alone makes the PuttOut Tour Studio an intriguing option. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced golfer, you can benefit from the many accessories PuttOut has to offer through the Tour Studio.

Putting Gold Mine

The Premium Trainer combined with the putting mat is a no-brainer. I mentioned its addictive nature and, trust me, I’m not pulling your leg. You can utilize the Premium Trainer by itself or mix up your practice with the mat. Additionally, the mat has multiple target holes at different distances. These are great for directional and speed control. Furthermore, there are distance grids that allow for speed control practice. All in all, the Premium Trainer and large putting mat add ample value to the Tour Studio.

Putting mirrors are extremely valuable. They can assist with your posture. With the putting mirror and gate combination, you can effectively work on your starting line. Both are easy to transport. You can take both items anywhere: the course, your garage, your office or your at-home golf cave.

Bad Break

The PuttOut Tour Studio has all the bells and whistles and I do not doubt its ability to provide a fun practice experience—or to help you “practice more and putt less.” However, I had an issue with the mat. The large putting mat requires you to stand on it while using some of the features. When the mat is on carpet or a soft surface, the pressure from standing causes the mat to ripple. It isn’t severe but it’s has an impact. Not an ideal scenario if you are practicing with purpose. Once the mat was on a hard, firm surface, the ripple effect was gone. The mat is best suited for a tile, concrete or hardwood floor.

Practice More and Putt Less

Overall, the PuttOut Tour Studio is an exceptional option for putter fanatics right down to the novice golfer. Putting is a game of its own. It often contributes to our on-course frustrations. Why not utilize a tool to “practice more and putt less”?

PuttOut Travel Studio

Are you constantly traveling for work? Do you have an extended vacation with your family? How about a golf getaway with your best friends? PuttOut has you covered with their PuttOut Travel Studio.

The Travel Studio includes:

PuttOut Slim Pro Putting Mat:  Just 10 inches wide by eight feet in length, this mat rolls up to a mere one-foot by eight-inch package for travel. Premium Trainer: Easily portable along with the mat or you can take it by itself. Compact Mirror: The mirror is the icing on the cake with this traveling studio.


Ultimate Travel Buddy

For those of us who are golf geeks, the PuttOut Travel Studio is the ultimate travel buddy. It can fit in most travel bags or suitcases or you can simply take the Premium Trainer and the Compact Mirror. The choice is yours.

Space Friendly

The PuttOut Slim Pro Putting Mat is space friendly. Whether you are in a hotel room, your office or your living room, the Slim Pro rolls flat and offers enough features to keep you focused and entertained.

Practice More and Putt Less

The PuttOut Travel Studio is less than $130 and, in my opinion, is a bargain. Sure, it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of the Tour Studio but it provides enough to satisfy your practicing needs. You can be creative with it and you can take it basically anywhere. Check it out!

Putting Practice Matters

There is an old adage: “Drive for show, putt for dough.” I’d wager most of us do not practice our putting as often as we should. We’d rather spend an hour on the driving range. I get it. I’m guilty of doing the same.

With PuttOut’s Tour Studio and Travel Studio, you have two options to enhance your putting practice. Through the Tour Studio, you have a putter advocate’s paradise. On the other hand, you have the Travel Studio, which fulfils almost any golfer’s putting needs. Both offer tremendous value. Are they perfect? No. But what product on the market is?

To improve your putting, practice is key. Whether it is directional control, speed control, posture or alignment, PuttOut’s Tour Studio and Travel Studio have the potential to offer you fun, addictive practicing. In return, the opportunity for you to putt less.

The post We Tried It: PuttOut Tour Studio and Travel Studio appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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